Decision of the Bureau: 5.COM 1.BUR 5

The Bureau,

  1. Recalling Article 20 of the Convention,
  2. Further recalling chapter 2.2 of the Operational Directives related to International Assistance,
  3. Having examined the requests for International Assistance no. 00333 from Mali on ‘Implementation of proposed safeguarding measures for the Sanké mon, collective fishing rite of the Sanké’, no. 00488 from Sudan on ‘Elaborating a digitization strategy for Sudan’s folklore and traditional music archives’ and no. 00334 from Togo on ‘General inventory of intangible cultural heritage’,
  4. Approves, as authorized body, the following requests for International Assistance:
  • from Mali on ‘Implementation of proposed safeguarding measures for the Sanké mon, collective fishing rite of the Sanké’ for an amount of US$24,000;
  • from Sudan on ‘Elaborating a digitization strategy for Sudan’s folklore and traditional music archives’ for an amount of US$12,167;
  • from Togo on ‘General inventory of intangible cultural heritage’ for an amount of US$24,770.
  1. Requests the Secretariat to reach agreement with the requesting parties on the technical details of the assistance.
